Started in 1999 the Montour County Genealogical Society was housed in the Thomas Beaver Free Library until circumstances beyond it’s control caused the Montour County Genealogical Society to close its doors in 2021. According to the by-laws of the MCGS if the society closed, the assets of the society were to become the property of the Historical Society. Two years ago the assets were all transferred to the Historical Society. The new Genealogy Room was completed on the first floor of the Boyd House. Dianne and RuthAnn organized the room which includes family biographies, files, Montour Co. obituaries, and much more. The room is open on Wednesday mornings 9am until noon starting April 9, 2025. Volunteers Sylvia and Rebecca will help you in your Montour County genealogy research. You do not need to be a members of MCHS to used the Genealogy Room but members and non-members alike will be charged $2/hour for research in the room, $5/hour to have research done by volunteers. 25ยข per copy will be charged. If research is done by the volunteers for you, the payment will be needed before the research will be sent to you. If you have any questions contact Sylvia at 570-854-9920 or Rebecca at 570-764-1393.
The Boyd House Museum at 19 Bloom Street sits beside the Montgomery House Museum at 11 Bloom Street, the parking lot is behind the Montgomery House. Enter the door at the Boyd House from the parking lot across from the back door of the Montgomery House, up 4 steps. If handicapped access is needed, please call the above phone numbers when in the parking lot and you will be directed to the accessible entrance. (please be aware, there will be no tours of the museums during this time)